ISSN:1390-9266 e-ISSN:1390-9134 LAJC 2025
Through the visualizations shown above, it can be
observed that the selection of appropriate graphic elements
provides the user with a better assimilation of information.
Also, it reduces the time and effort required to obtain
conclusions. It gives the user a comprehensive vision of the
topic by going from a macro level to reaching specific details,
with fewer steps than conventional systems or programs,
highlighting the prior data treatment with mining techniques.
Choosing appropriate graphical representations can become a
competitive advantage when making decisions—actions or
decisions with data disposal.
V. D
The research findings are aligned with the existing
literature on main exports between 2016 and 2018 in Ecuador,
as per the United Nations United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs [8] 4-digit tariff classification
and main partner continents, offering a fresh perspective on
the subject.
Through the results of this study, we approve the analysis
of Durán, J. & Zaclicever, D. [18] on the commercial
relationship with Colombia in textile materials and their
manufacturers, further validating their findings.
Similarly, the publication of Casanova et al. [30] on the
tariff items exported to China between 2008 and 2014 further
supports our observations. Likewise, the most frequent
destinations for Ecuadorian products mentioned in [31] and
[5] concur with those determined by analyzing the export data
from this research.
Hence, this study focuses solely on the values of
Ecuadorian exports without calculating trade balance
balances. Additionally, the analysis is limited to Ecuador and
its trading partners and does not include the items in Section
V of Ecuador’s National Tariff corresponding to Mineral
Therefore, the results of this research agree with the
existing literature on Ecuador’s main exports, such as the
commercial relationship with Colombia in textile materials
and the frequent destinations of Ecuadorian products. Data
preparation, exploratory analysis, and visualization were
performed using good practices recommended in the
literature. The study is limited to Ecuadorian exports and does
not include an analysis between countries or the Mineral
Products categories.
Records of Ecuador’s export transactions constitute a
competitive advantage for users who must make decisions.
Therefore, a comprehensive review of the literature and
available data sources on export data visualization was
conducted. Additionally, academic studies and industry
reports were identified that highlight the usefulness of this tool
for exploring and understanding data.
The information provided by LIDI and the Central Bank
of Ecuador was divided into a central "facts" table and
peripheral "dimension" tables (star model) to improve
efficiency and facilitate accurate queries. Thus, dashboards
with graphs, tables, maps, and other visualizations were
prepared to validate the results. These were socialized with
interested parties, who evaluated the ability of the model to
respond accurately and adjust to reality. The results were
compared with existing studies, and satisfactory answers were
Due to the need for more data visualization in specific
areas such as population, GDP, and distance between
countries due to its low relevance, it can be included in future
research, such as expanding the scope of the analysis and
considering other relevant variables.
This work was partially supported by the vice rectorate of
Research at Universidad del Azuay for their financial and
academic support and the entire staff in the Computer Science
Research & Development Laboratory (LIDI).
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