Verification of the emergence in an architecture for multi-robot systems (AMEB)

  • Angel Gil Laboratorio de Prototipos en la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
  • Jose Aguilar CEMISID en la Universidad de los Andes
  • Eladio Dapena LASDAI en la Universidad de los Andes
  • Rafael Rivas LASDAI en la Universidad de los Andes
Keywords: Emergent systems, emotions, control of robots and multi-robot systems, Cognitive maps, robot modeling and multi-robot systems, Distributed and decentralized control architectures.


This article analyzes the emerging behavior of a multi-robot system managed by an architecture structured in three layers: the first provides local support to the robot, manages its processes of action, perception and communication, as well as its behavioral aspect, which considers the reactive, cognitive and social aspects of the robot. In addition, it introduces an affective component that influences its behavior and the way it relates to the environment and to the other individuals in the system, based on an emotional model that takes into account fourArticle history:Received 12 September 2018Accepted 08 November 2018A Gil, pertenece al Laboratorio de Prototipos en la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira y a Tepuy R+D Group. Artificial Intelligence Software Development. Mérida, Venezuela (email: emotions. The second provides support to the collective processes of the system, based on the concept of emerging coordination. The latter is responsible for knowledge management and learning processes, both individually and collectively, in the system. In this article the metrics are defined to verify the emergency in the system, by means of the use of a method of verification of emergent behaviors based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.



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Author Biography

Angel Gil, Laboratorio de Prototipos en la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira




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How to Cite
A. Gil, J. Aguilar, E. Dapena, and R. Rivas, “Verification of the emergence in an architecture for multi-robot systems (AMEB)”, LAJC, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 41 - 52, Dec. 2018.
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