Associated Institutions

Our Editorial Committee is launching the Associate Institution Initiative which aims to establish long-term relationships with national and international higher-education institutions. As an Associated Institution, you will have the following responsibilities:

  1. To nominate undergraduates, master’s students and 1st year doctorate students to join our Junior Researcher Initiative.
  2. To nominate at least two academics to participate as reviewers for our Journal. Prospective reviewers must apply using this form.
  3. To actively disseminate the current Call for Papers amongst your colleagues and academic networks.

 In addition to the benefits mentioned in this page, our Journal offers you the following:

  1. Increase the impact of your academic events by nominating your event's best papers to be considered for publication.
  2. Nominate your colleagues as potential Guest Editors for regular and special issues.
  3. Promote your institutional image by including your institutional logo in our official website, call for papers and in the cover of our published numbers. 

Should you need more information about how to become an associated institution, please contact Dr. Denys Flores, Editor-in-Chief to this email address: lajc[at]

Universidad PuertoRico