Latin-American Journal of Computing
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The manuscript has been written preferably in English or Spanish and complies with the Journal format specifications.
The manuscript clearly describes the following content:
● Title
● Abstract (máx. 200 words)
● Keywords (máx. 7 keywords)
● Introduction
● Methodology
● Detailed description of the deployment/implementation/analysis proposed in the paper
● Analysis of Results/Discussion of Findings
● Conclusions
● Related Work
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1. Remove names, affiliations and email addresses.
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Authors are required to use the following templates in Word. Select 'Save' when the 'File Download' dialog pops up.
Microsoft Word A4 (DOCX, 56 KB): Download fileThe manuscript must have a minimum paper length of six (6) pages and a maximum paper length of fifteen (15) page, including bibliography.
The summary or abstract, should have a maximum of 200 words, including keywords article.
All references cited in the text should appear in the literature. Please use the IEEE reference format.
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Once an article has been submitted to LAJC, it will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. In order to find out more about the evaluation process, please refer to this link.
Once an article is accepted, it will undergo a proofreading and copyediting process. During this stage, the journal editors reserve the right to request more amendments for the article to meet the quality requirements to be published in LAJC.
Once an article has been considered ready for publication, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to decide the volume and number which is most appropriate to publish the article. This decision is carefully planned and justified considering the standing of the article, and the score which it was given through the different review stages, including proofreading and copyediting.
This article is published by LAJC under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International License. This means that non-exclusive copyright is transferred to the National Polytechnic School. The Author (s) give their consent to the Editorial Committee to publish the article in the issue that best suits the interests of this Journal. Find out more in our Copyright Notice.
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Latin-American Journal of Computing – e-ISSN 1390-9266 / ISSN 1390-9134, Escuela Politécnica Nacional - Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas
Address: Av. Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: +593 297-6300 Extensión 4741. E-mail: lajc [at]
LAJC is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.