Interested in Publishing with Us?

LAJC is permanently receiving submissions.

Researchers and professionals worldwide are invited to submit original full research papers, technical reports and state-of-the-art reviews for possible publication in LAJC. Short papers, literature reviews and early results are also being accepted under our Junior Researcher Initiative.

Before making a submission, make sure your manuscript follows these requirements:

  1. Your manuscript must be original which means that it must be of your own authorship and must not have been submitted to any other journal/conference at the same time. LAJC uses TurnitIn to check the originality index of your article.
  2. Being an Journal with international readership, authors are encouraged to submit their work in English, although Spanish manuscripts are also accepted.
  3. Every manuscript will be carefully evaluated using a double-blind peer review process, considering its relevance, and technical soundness. Therefore, make sure that your article is properly anonimized by removing explicit indications to author's names and affiliations, including acknowledgements and biographies. Failing to do this may cause your article to be rejected. 
  4. Manuscripts should have a minimum length of six (6) and a maximum length of fifteen (15) pages.
  5. Your manuscript must comply with the LAJC Article Template.
  6. Third-party material and/or research results must be properly cited and referenced within the text. LAJC uses the IEEE referencing system.
  7. Please, check carefully our complete Submission Guidelines, otherwise your paper will be rejected.

Finally, Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online. Go to Login to enter the credentials to access an existing account or Go to Register to create a new account. Use our Reset Password tool if you lost your credentials. Then, click here to make a Submission.