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Publishing with us
We invite prospective authors worldwide to submit their original manuscripts to LAJC. Publishing in our Journal gives you the following benefits:
1. We are a specialized publication. We do not receive submissions that are not related to our Research Areas. Our goal is guaranteeing open and free access to scientific knowledge in the different areas of computing and informatics.
2. We welcome preliminary research work. Early career results and short papers (6 pages) are welcome as long as they are original and not published elsewhere. Please find out more about our Junior Researcher Initiative.
3. We guarantee fairness. This Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication, with open access to all our published issues. We also have a non-exclusive Copyright Policy, which means that the material will always belong to the author.
4. Our turnaround time does not exceed 12 weeks! We are a specialized Journal with a select technical committee. Our reviewers are highly qualified experts and professionals in the area of informatics and computer science. By this means, we ensure fast reviews and valuable feedback without undermining quality.
5. We are a Diamond Open Access Journal. As such, we do not follow predatory practices, meaning that LAJC has no charge fees for authors or readers. I.e. no article processing charge (no APC) and no suscription fees. In other words, we are free and will remain free.
Important: Being a Journal with international readership, authors are encouraged to submit their work in English in order to maximize citations and downloads, although manuscripts in Spanish are also accepted.
Should you need more information about our Journal, please Contact Us.