Agile Design Process with User-Centered Design and User Experience in Web Interfaces: A Systematic Literature Review

  • Jucélia Beux University of Passo Fundo
  • Ericles Bellei University of Passo Fundo
  • Laís Brock University of Passo Fundo
  • Ana Carolina Bertoletti University of Passo Fundo
  • Carlos Hölbig University of Passo Fundo
Keywords: Web graphical interfaces, Agile Software Development, User Experience, User-Centered Design.


In the search for faster software development techniquesthat consider user’s needs, agile methods are gettingspace in the corporate scenario, as well as in scientific research.However, integrating agile software development with usercentereddesign (UCD) and user experience (UX) is a challengingtask. In this way, we systematically reviewed the literature until2017 to identify and understand how UX can be considered inagile development, particularly for graphical interfaces of webapplications. The search was performed in the ACM, IEEE,Science Direct, and Springer databases. We found a total of 815studies, of which 13 met the eligibility criteria. This research isimportant for evidencing the information acquired and used tomap how agile methods can consider the stakeholders, activities,and techniques that directly imply the way the products aredeveloped to meet the user’s expectations. There are many agilemethods, each with its advantages and disadvantages, but weconclude that the methods that integrate better with UX or UCDare Scrum and XP.



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Author Biography

Jucélia Beux, University of Passo Fundo




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How to Cite
J. Beux, E. Bellei, L. Brock, A. C. Bertoletti, and C. Hölbig, “Agile Design Process with User-Centered Design and User Experience in Web Interfaces: A Systematic Literature Review”, LAJC, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 53 - 60, Dec. 2018.
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