Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Monitoring System for the Parameters of Electro-Electric Variables of the Electric Power Control and Backup Equipment of the ECU 911 Loja Integrated Security System

  • Cosme Xavier Gálvez National University of Loja
  • Ángel José Ordónez National University of Loja
Keywords: Supervision Systems, Control and Data Acquisition, SCADA, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Python, PostgreSQL, ELK Stack


The purpose of this research is to develop a real-time monitoring system that allows visualizing the electro-energetic parameters of the internal electrical network of the building of the Integrated Security System ECU 911 Loja. The electrical system of the SIS ECU 911 Loja, is currently integrated with electric power control and backup equipment, which is in charge of the supervision and control of said system. The proposal of this article, has to develop a software that allows to accede to the electroenergetic variables measured by these equipment, through a human-machine interface or HMI. It begins with a brief study of the monitoring and control systems used in the industry, better known as SCADA systems. Then, it proceeds to the collection of information from the work field, as well as the equipment that intervenes in it. Finally, using free software tools, which are detailed in the writing, the monitoring system is designed and implemented.



Author Biography

Cosme Xavier Gálvez, National University of Loja




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How to Cite
C. Gálvez and Ángel Ordónez, “Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Monitoring System for the Parameters of Electro-Electric Variables of the Electric Power Control and Backup Equipment of the ECU 911 Loja Integrated Security System”, LAJC, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 63-72, Nov. 2019.
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