Development and evaluation of usability of a gamified web application for basic computer education

Keywords: Education, iPlus, Digital inclusion, XP, Digital gap, Basic Computer Education, Serious Games


In recent years, the use of educational applications in learning processes in any domain has increased, due to the great potential they have to motivate students. This article illustrates the process of developing a gamified web application for basic computer education to support the digital inclusion process. The tool is designed and gamified using the iPlus methodology oriented to the design of serious games and the XP (Extreme Programming) methodology in its implementation. Both methodologies involve the user in the entire application development process. We also present the usability assessment using the IBM Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) questionnaire.



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How to Cite
P. Cuasqui, “Development and evaluation of usability of a gamified web application for basic computer education”, LAJC, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 138-151, Jul. 2020.
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