Digital image processing in the creation of an intelligent system prototype for text detection and recognition in the labeling process of electrical cable
Cable labeling allows identifying different configurations and batches of cables, as well as their characteristics. In the cable labeling process, different types of errors or defects can occur in the printed text, such as the absence of the label, ink bleeding, text parts missing, illegible text, and ink drops. In this paper, a prototype of a system for text validation in electrical cables using image processing techniques is presented. The proposed system consists of two stages. In the first stage, a method based on K-means clustering was proposed, allowing preprocessing images to condition them. In the second stage, optical character recognition using the Tesseract OCR engine is performed, allowing the text in the images to be converted into character strings. The experimentation was carried out using a collection of 909 images of electrical cables containing eight different types of cables, where the images are individually labeled with the ground truth. The evaluation obtained an average error rate of 6.54%, 3.97%, and 2.53% when validating the text using three, five, and seven label sequences, respectively.
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