Digital agriculture in Pitahaya crop

  • Ángel Llerena Zambrano TELCOMBAS S.A.


Digital agriculture has arrived to solve the production problem that exists in the land, the ptimization of agricultural processes through sensors with IoT technology are being a great help so that  armers can produce more on their land and use the available resources of a more effective way. The trial that was carried out in the Palora sector in the cultivation of pitahaya, testing this new technology, resulted in having the data in real time allowing better decisions to be made when carrying out agricultural work without the need to be present in the plantation, such as Consequently, the environmental impact is minimized and a greater profitability of the crop is obtained. Once the information analysis had been carried out, it was determined that the area where the pitahaya crop is located does meet the necessary characteristics or the development of the crop, this could be contrasted by analyzing the data and monitoring the parameters in the intuitive agriculture module platform. The results obtained are an average of 7 mm / day of water in the pluviosity parameter, in terms of solar adiation, measurements were obtained with a ceiling of 2581.51 PAR, on the other hand, soil moisture had peaks of up to 16.40 cb, finally the temperature reached levels of 35.09 ° c.



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How to Cite
Ángel Llerena Zambrano, “Digital agriculture in Pitahaya crop”, LAJC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 22-33, Dec. 2020.
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