An implementation of a Virus Focuses on Mobile Devices with Android. An Ethical Hacking Event.

  • Carlos Andrés Estrada Vásquez Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
  • Walter Fuertes Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
  • Amy Rashell Sánchez Cárdenas Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Keywords: Android, computer security, pen testing, Metaexploit, vulnerabilities


Mobile devices have become part of daily social life. However, the vulnerabilities of this equipment are widespread, affecting information or damaging the system internally. Within this problem, this research proposes the implementation of a virus that allows affecting the Android victim device focusing on finding the vulnerabilities through penetration tests. The virus was designed through the principle of thread programming to a generation of scripts. Furthermore, the attack on Android devices’ vulnerable systems is conducted, applying social engineering techniques. Thus, through imperative programming techniques and functional, the access and use have been achieved, given that the virus had classes that allow connection and communication with the device. Each class was developed together so that in this way, there is a precise relationship between them. In this study, Kali Linux, with different Metasploit commands, was used.  The proofs of concept were conducted using controlled virtual network environments. For this, a server and a platform were used to use the IP and the Ngrok host, which allows us to generate       a link with the application that will violate Android’s services and security over secure tunnels. The results show that the operating system tends to be prone to internal damage. At the same time, users can be affected when their security and privacy are compromised. The proposal contributes significantly to a new version of Android’s security patches, implementing   a malware model that will integrate techniques to mitigate this problem in the future.



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How to Cite
C. Estrada Vásquez, W. Fuertes, and A. Sánchez Cárdenas, “An implementation of a Virus Focuses on Mobile Devices with Android. An Ethical Hacking Event.”, LAJC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 78-91, Dec. 2020.
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