
  • Denys Flores, PhD. Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Keywords: Editorial of Number 1 Volume 9 of Latin-American Journal of Computing


Towards the search for opportunities in a world of adversity.

Since the beginning of this Journal, we have provided a space for scientific dissemination without barriers, guaranteeing open access and the right to free thought for our authors and readers. We believe that this principle has taken on a much deeper relevance; especially as our society goes through a Pandemic with our eyes set on a glimmer of hope that finally seems to reveal itself to us.

However, if this hope does not materialize through the management of knowledge and its responsible dissemination, the action of science in each of our realities would make no sense at all. Consequently, the contribution of researchers to cope with the current situation would be irrelevant, not to say non-existent.

In this aspect, applied research, in the field of computer science and informatics, more than a calling, becomes a duty, committing us to our future. We must guarantee sustainable, accessible, and safe access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Mainly considering that, since the beginning of 2020, these have become an undeniable and inalienable service that guarantees our right to work, access to study, and coexistence with our loved ones.

From our editorial, we see with optimism the contributions made in this issue, which give certainty of the impact that ICTs have on the transformation of our society and its adverse realities. The articles that we present constitute important assets for the assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of different pathologies, the intelligent monitoring of crops, and the efficient management of information systems and their underlying technologies. These contributions demonstrate the work carried out by various researchers who, regardless of their current situation, continue to dedicate their lives so that knowledge generation does not stop in spite of current limitations. We cordially invite you to review their work, hoping that you find it inspiring, eloquent and insightful.

Finally, as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Latin American Journal of Computing (LAJC), I would like to sincerely thanks to our editorial team and our valued reviewers, because without their hard work it would not have been possible to successfully complete this issue. I am extremely pleased to enter firmly into our ninth year, being part of such a professional team, optimistic and above all committed to our authors in providing a space for the dissemination of their academic and scientific work.



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How to Cite
D. Flores, “Editorial”, LAJC, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 12-15, Jan. 2022.
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