Web Automation of EPN's Electoral Voting Process Using Blind Signature Security Scheme
Currently, the Escuela Politécnica Nacional has an electoral process that is done manually. Therefore, it represents considerable management work when it comes to being carried out. Also, given the nature of manual processes, it is subject to human errors. As a solution to these and other problems of the electoral process in force in the institution, the present work proposes its automation through an electronic voting system. The proposed system implements a blind signing security scheme to control both the privacy of the voter and the validity of the votes. The development was carried out under the SCRUM framework, due to its adaptation to small development teams and its focus on delivering functional software in short periods of time. The system implements a Model-View-Controller architecture, having the development of the view in the JavaScript framework, Angular, the controller in Microsoft .NET Framework and finally the model in SQL Server. On the other hand, the system has been subjected to usability and functionality tests, so it was determined that it is excellently usable and satisfactorily meets 100% of the user requirements obtained.
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