Gamification in Mathematics

Keywords: Learning theories, learning strategies, mathematics learning, infopedagogy, gamification


The application of gamification in education is scarce; therefore, the purpose of this study is to consider the contribution of Gamification in the learning of Mathematics in eighth grade students of General Basic Education. The methodology used has a quali-quantitative approach, of exploratory experimental type, based on the survey technique with the questionnaire instrument, instrument validated with Cronbach's alpha with a result of 0.846, on a Likert scale of 5 points, applied to a sample of 30 students with a pretest and a posttest. Thus, it was determined the non-use of gamification resources for the teaching of mathematics, so that an intervention was performed with the developed author resources of the web 3. 0 by means of the A.D.D.I.E. methodology in the Canva, Liveworksheet and Nearpood applications. To measure the results and test the hypothesis, chi-square statistics and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were used, finding that gamification contributes to the learning of mathematics and generates interactive classes awakening the students' attention.



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How to Cite
J. Sillagana, D. Morocho-Lara, Y. Bustos Gamboa, and G. D. Pinto, “Gamification in Mathematics”, LAJC, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 102-113, Jan. 2023.
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