The Middelware development for interconecting a mobile app with a legacy system
The modernization of legacy systems is a complex process due to the limitations that they can present when facing of new trends and technologies. Systems such as the “Control Gerencial/Web” (CG/Web) software of the Ecuadorian company “Información Tecnológica del Ecuador S.A.” (“I.T. del Ecuador”) exemplify these challenges. The system architecture, source code, data management and possible bad practices applied are some aspects that engineers must consider when implementing updates of these systems. We develop the CGApp mobile application as a solution to the mobility needs of managerial users of the CG/Web system. However, the development was conditioned by the monolithic architecture of the legacy system, requiring the design and implementation of a middleware as a means of interaction between the mobile component and the elements of the CG/Web. Therefore, we need to perform a legacy system reengineering process, developing methods for data translation, applying security controls and redesigning screens to adapt them to a mobile environment. As a result, it was possible to integrate the mobile application with the legacy system, adding value to the project.
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