Classification of Failure Using Decision Trees Induced by Genetic Programming

Keywords: decision trees, multiclass classification, fault detection, genetic programming


Fault classification in industrial processes is of paramount importance, as it allows the implementation of preventive and corrective measures before catastrophic failures occur, which can result in significant repair costs and production loss, for example. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a classification model by merging the concepts of Decision Trees with Genetic Programming. To accomplish this, the proposed model randomly generates a set of decision trees using the adapted Tennessee Eastman dataset. The generation of these trees does not rely on classical construction logic; instead, they employ an approach where the structure and characteristics of the trees are randomly determined and adjusted throughout the evolutionary process. This approach enables a broader exploration of the search space and may lead to diverse solutions. The results obtained were moderate, largely due to the high number of target classes for classification (21 classes), resulting in the creation of complex trees. The average accuracy on the test data was 0.75, indicating the need to implement new alternatives and enhancements in the algorithm to improve the results.



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How to Cite
R. Rocha, L. Santos, R. Almeida Soares, F. Alves Barbosa, and M. Silveira Vasconcelos D’Angelo, “Classification of Failure Using Decision Trees Induced by Genetic Programming”, LAJC, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 60-69, Jul. 2024.
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