Acoustic Virtual Reality: The Artificial Neural Networks Approach
This work presents a new approach to obtain the Binaural Impulse Responses (BIRs) for an auralization system by using a committee of artificial neuronal networks (ANNs). The proposed method is capable to reconstruct the desired modified Head Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) by means of spectral modification and spatial interpolation. In order to cover the entire auditory reception space, without increasing the network’s architecture complexity, a structure with multiple RNAs (committee) was adopted, where each network operates in la specific reception region (bud). The modeling error, in the frequency domain, is investigated considering the logarithmic nature of the human hearing. It was observed that the proposed methodology obtained a computational gain of approximately 62%, in terms of processing time reduction, compared to the classical signal processing method used to obtain auralizations.
The applicability of the new method in auralization systems is validated by comparative analysis of the results, which includes the BIR’s generation and calculation of one binaural acoustic parameter (IACF), showing very low magnitude errors.
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