Planning Model Proposal for Implementation of Technological Service Centres in Public Education

  • Santiago Cordovilla
  • Christian Madruñero
  • Bolívar Palán Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Keywords: Design, Education, Implementation, Information Technology, Model Town, Public Educational Institution, Services, Strategy, Technology Service Center


TIC provides the opportunity to expand access to education, to strengthen digital education, and to raise the quality of education, to allowing teaching and learning are ongoing, everyday process. However effectively integrate TIC in education is a complex process involving review of curriculum and pedagogy, teaching skills and financing.

In Ecuador experienced us a technological advance, particularly for access to information and communication. In the last decade the extent of the Internet allows TIC reach their highest popularity this without even enough.

In order to reduce the lack of TIC mainly in the school-age population propose a logical design model for the Technology Services Center (TCS) approach would aim to provide technological benefits to student population.



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How to Cite
S. Cordovilla, C. Madruñero, and B. Palán, “Planning Model Proposal for Implementation of Technological Service Centres in Public Education”, LAJC, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2015.
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