Modeling the Performance of MapReduce Applications for the Cloud

  • Iván Carrera National Polytechnic School
  • Claudio Geyer Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords: MapReduce, Cloud, Hadoop, FLOPs, MRBS, Performance


In the last years, Cloud Computing has become a key technology that made possible to run applications without needing to deploy a physical infrastructure. The challenge with deploying distributed applications in Cloud Computing environments is that the virtual machine infrastructure should be planned in a time and cost-effective way.
This work is a summary of a previous work presented by the authors as a Master’s thesis, with the goal of showing that the execution time of a distributed MapReduce application, running in a Cloud computing environment, can be predicted using a mathematical model based on theoretical specifications. This prediction is made to help the users of the Cloud Computing environment to plan their deployments, i.e., quantify the number of virtual machines and its characteristics. After measuring the application execution time and varying parameters stated in the mathematical model, and after that, using a linear regression technique, the goal is achieved finding a model of the execution time which was then applied to predict the execution time of MapReduce applications. Experiments were conducted in several configurations and showed a clear relation with the theoretical model, revealing that the model is in fact able to predict the execution time of MapReduce applications. The developed model is generic, meaning that it uses theoretical abstractions for the computing capacity of the environment and the computing cost of the MapReduce application.



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Author Biography

Iván Carrera, National Polytechnic School


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How to Cite
I. Carrera and C. Geyer, “Modeling the Performance of MapReduce Applications for the Cloud”, LAJC, vol. 2, no. 2, Nov. 2015.
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