A Social Framework for Set Recommendation in Group Recommender Systems

  • Lorena Recalde Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: group preferences, group recommender systems, information propagation, social factors, social attraction


This research article presents a study about the background in Group Recommender Systems and how social factors are directly related to these applications. Some important group recommender systems in academia are described to exemplify their contribution in different domains. Besides, a framework that is intended to improve group recommender systems is proposed. The main idea of the framework is to enhance social cognition to help the group members agree and make a decision. Its structure includes a process where an influential group is detected among the target groups of people to recommend to. Social influence detection uses the knowledge behind online social connections and interactions. Trying to understand human behavior and ties among groups in a social network and how to use this to improve group recommender systems is considered the main challenge for future research. Combining this with the kind of item recommendation which involves a temporal sequence of ordered elements will present a novel and original path in Group Recommender Systems design.




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How to Cite
L. Recalde, “A Social Framework for Set Recommendation in Group Recommender Systems”, LAJC, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 9 - 18, May 2016.
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