Educational technology to teach lip reading: a systematic review of the literature

  • Evelyn Jazmín Del Pezo Izaguirre Universidad de Guayaquil
  • María Abásolo Universidad Nacional de La Plata CICPBA
  • César Collazos Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: Lip Reading, Cued Speech, Deaf, Mobile Technologies, Extended Reality, Educational Methology, Educational Techniques


The objective of this study is to identify the production of educational resources from scientific publications, web pages and mobile application store for the teaching of lip reading to the deaf, emphasizing the applied educational methodologies and the use of technology. The results refer to technological solutions supported by audiovisual elements and texts, leaving sign language in the background. The methodological approach applied is passive, combines synchronous and asynchronous media, uses low levels of gamification and extended reality, demands prior knowledge of reading and writing to interact with the tools that are oriented to the practice of vocabulary or phrases. The presence of mobile applications is minimal in relation to the number of web pages and projects derived from scientific productions to teach lip reading, in general they scarcely mention technical documentation of the projects unless they are the product of formal postgraduate studies.



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How to Cite
E. Del Pezo Izaguirre, M. Abásolo, and C. Collazos, “Educational technology to teach lip reading: a systematic review of the literature”, LAJC, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 80-99, Jul. 2022.
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