Non-linear Static Analysis of Steel Frames using OpenSees and CEINCI LAB

Keywords: CEINCI LAB, OpenSees, Non-linear Static Analysis, Pushover, Steel Frames, animations


Static nonlinear analysis, called Pushover, is focused on the application of incremental lateral forces to a structure to visualize its probable performance under seismic actions; this is important in countries such as Ecuador, where there is high seismicity. This paper describes the new CEINCI LAB functions for Pushover analysis of steel frames. The CEINCI LAB Computational System is a collection of functions for the seismic-structural analysis. Since 2019, functions have been developed to facilitate data input and presentation of results about non-linear analysis of structures using OpenSees. Our motivation is to present new functions that allow us obtaining animations of the analysis, and to appreciate the level of damage in the structural elements by means of a color code, facilitating the interpretation of the results. Besides, these functions generate an editable file with information on the structural model, type of analysis, results, and other parameters of interest that can be modified on demand.  The modeling procedure is illustrated with emphasis on the developed computational functions and their functionality.



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How to Cite
B. Cagua Gómez, J. Pilatasig Caizaguano, and R. Aguiar Falconí, “Non-linear Static Analysis of Steel Frames using OpenSees and CEINCI LAB”, LAJC, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 86-101, Jan. 2023.
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