Assisted Muscular Rehabilitation
In the market, there are very sophisticatedbiofeedback tools, such as those developed by meyerPT [1] orBiometric Ltd. [2], which provide information to the patientthrough tones and allows the generation of records and show datain real time. However, the cost of these tools makes difficult theaccess to them. This problem is what make the patients apply tothe expertise of a specialist and a qualitative valuation. For thisreason, this project focused on developing a friendly userbiofeedback interface created in MATLAB, which brings valuableinformation about muscular signals generated by the human bodyto avoid the subjectivity that may exist in the traditional method,reaching better results in less time thanks to the continuemonitoring and data recorders. The interface shows visualindicators, which are used to feedback the patient, in order topresent the execution of the muscular exercises at a certain forceintensity, analyses the muscular fatigue during the training andcreate a data record to identify the evolution of the muscleaccording to the developing of the therapy sessions.
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